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Two months ago the Golden State Warriors were crowned NBA (basketball) champions. Nobody would have given them much of a chance at the start of the season. Yet they defied predictions throughout the season. One of the great stories of their triumph was the story of Andre Iguodala. You see Andre was drafted in 2004 from college into the NBA. He played for 2 teams before he joined the Golden State Warriors in 2013. Up on till he became a player for the Warriors he was always a starter and at various times he was considered one of the stars on his previous teams. I don’t know Andre personally but I can imagine the challenges he must have faced. 

At the Warriors, Andre became a substitute. For the first time in his life he was no longer a starter. He must have had various negative thoughts like anyone else would have in that situation. He may have wanted to protest this change. Afterall why should this happen to him now? Fast forward to June 2015: in the middle of the Championship Finals, Andre was inserted back into the starting line up. He ended being crowned the best player in the Finals as the Warriors became champions. 

There is a lesson in Andre’s story for us. There are many times when our status doesn’t appear as we expect or as we believe we deserve. What do you do in those times? I’ve been impatient in those times in the past; not ready to wait on God to work on and in me, and do what He plans to do in His perfect timing. Have you fallen into this trap as well? Just as Andre had to accept a different role for a while you any have to be in a position longer than you desire. However you must remain encouraged. God will work all things out for your good. I’ve experienced this and so can you. Have an exceptional day!